Membership Information
The Gold Coast Regional Beekeepers Inc. hold their monthly club day meetings at the Vietnam Veterans’ Complex, 18 Leagues Club Drive, NERANG, on the 3rd Saturday of each month, starting at 8:30 a.m. with inspections of the club Hives.
This is the best way for new beekeepers to become familiar with bees and learn from experienced beekeepers how to handle hives and identify what is happening in the hives. This is a hands-on experience where you can ask any questions you have about hives and gain practical experience handling bees. Attendees must wear a bee suit, or veil with clothing such as jeans / a thick long-sleeved shirt / thick cotton socks and closed-in shoes. Due to biosecurity requirements, attendees must only use Club-provided gloves and hive equipment; however, the club has a limited number of bee veils available for use on meeting days for those who do not have their own.
The Gold Coast Regional Beekeepers Inc. (GCRB) is affiliated with the Amateur Beekeepers Association (ABA).
Membership to GCRB is available online
Select club as “GCRB Membership” AUD 10.00. You must also join the ABA at a fee of $25.00 with a total joining fee $35.00 pa.
Affiliation with the ABA provides many additional benefits to our members, including free personal accident insurance and optional low-cost personal beekeeping insurance for members, and significantly reduced club insurance costs.
Please contact the club secretary at gcrb.secretary@beekeepers.asn.au if you require further information relating to membership.
GCRB Constitution
GCRB By Laws
Please find the latest edition of the Members Handbook.
Queensland Beekeeper Registration
All beekeepers in Queensland must be registered with Biosecurity Qld., as a biosecurity entity. This registration is free and can be done online at this link: Biosecurity Registration Portal
Once registered you will be issued with a Hive Identification Number (HIN) which must be displayed on at least one of your hives.
NSW Beekeeper Registration
Apply online at www.licence.nsw.gov.au (computer terminals are also provided at all Service NSW offices for those without access to a computer) or complete ALL sections in the form below.