Information Sites
Australian honey bee industry council (www.honeybee.org.au)
NSW Apiarists’ Association Inc. (www.nswaa.com.au)
ABA – Amateur Beekeepers’ Association of NSW (www.beekeepers.asn.au)
Australian native bee research centre (www.aussiebee.com.au)
Bee Alert: tool to prevent chemical injury to bees (www.cottoncrc.org.au)
Honey bee research program – Rural Industries Research and Development Council (www.rirdc.gov.au)
Pollination Australia – Rural Industries Research and development Council (www.rirdc.gov.au)
Plant Health Australia (PHA) honey bee web site
Department of Agriculture and Food (Western Australia)
Department of Environment and Primary Industries, Victoria (www.dep.vic.gov.au)
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Queensland (www.Daff.qld.gov.au)
Department of Primary Industries, Fisheries (DPIF), Northern Territory (www.nt.gov.au)
Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment, Tasmania (www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au)
Primary Industries and Resources, South Australia (www.pir.sa.gov.au)