Flora Facts

GCRB Resources Hub

A compilation of details on a large number of bee-friendly flora many of which are endemic to the Gold Coast, as well links to bee-friendly flora websites.

Buckinghamia Celcissima ‘Ivory Curl Tree’

Information on the Buckinghamia celcissima ‘Ivory Curl Tree’. Download/View PDF by clicking the link below:

Corymbia Gummifera – Red Bloodwood

Information on the Corymbia gummifera – Red Bloodwood Tree. Download/View PDF by clicking the link below:

A Simplified Overview of the Various Activities in Manuka Honey

Information on Manuka Honey. Download/View PDF by clicking the link below:

Bee Friendly

A planting guide for European honeybees and Australian native pollinators – by Mark Leech. Download/View PDF by clicking the link below:

Flowering Ecology of Honey-Producing Flora in South-East Australia

This report presents a detailed dissertation on flowering ecology of Australian melliferous (honeyproducing) flora, as observed by highly experienced commercial apiarists. The research is the most detailed and long-term study of flowering ecology in melliferous species.